Black Berkey® Element - single filter - temporarily not available
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Black Berkey® - 2 purification elements
Berkey - portable water filtration
Black Berkey® članci za pročišćavanje
Formulaciju Black Berkey® članaka za pročišćavanje testirali su laboratoriji ovlašteni od države i agencije EPA te rezultati testiranja nadilaze NSF/ANSI Standard 53. Nema potrebe za skupim jednokratnim filterima. Black Berkey® članci za pročišćavanje mogu se čistiti. Kada se protok vode smanji jednostavno izribajte Black Berkey® članak za pročišćavanje Scotch Brite krpicom ili četkicom pod mlazom vode, odzračite i ponovno ugradite - vaš je sustav spreman za nastavak pročišćavanja vode. Svaki od izdržljivih i učinkovitih članaka za pročišćavanje trajat će 11.356 litara (22.712 litara ako se radi o uređaju s dva članka) te Vam pružiti više godina učinkovitog pročišćavanja vode.
Black Berkey® članci za pročišćavanje snažniji su od bilo kojeg drugog gravitacijskog filter članka. Mikro pore u Black Berkey® člancima koji se mogu čistiti tako su male da virusi i patogene bakterije kroz njih jednostavno ne mogu proći. Ti se članci zapravo samodezinficiraju. Black Berkey® članci za pročišćavanje tako su snažni da mogu ukloniti iz vode crvenu prehrambenu boju bez uklanjanja korisnih minerala potrebnih organizmu. U stvari, niti jedan drugi filter članak ne može takvo što ponoviti.
Are the Black Berkey® Purification Elements NSF certified?
NSF certifikat nije obvezan nego proizvoljan. Prema našem mišljenju, NSF atestiranje je u praksi ograničeno kad su u pitanju naši gravitacijski elementi za pročišćavanje. NSF Standard 42 (estetski učinak) i Standard 53 (učinak na zdravlje) bi se na poseban način odnosili na naše članke za pročišćavanje.
NSF Standard 42 covers systems “designed to reduce specific aesthetic or non-health-related contaminants (such as chlorine, taste and odor, and particulates) that may be present in public or private drinking water. ” This would appear to be an unnecessary certification as not only do the elements easily handle public drinking water, but also untreated raw water, exceeding what the standard would certify for.
NSF Standard 53 addresses “systems designed to reduce specific health-related contaminants, such as Cryptosporidium, Giardia, lead, VOC’s, MTBE that may be present in public or private drinking water.” The organisms mentioned are rather large in size. Our purification elements have been tested to remove not only a whole host of VOC’s but more importantly viruses, much smaller organisms. Again, this exceeds what the standard would certify for.
Testovi koje smo provodili daleko su stroži od onih koje za svoj certifikat zahtijeva NSF. Naši su pročišćivači rigorozno testirani od strane neovisnih, ovlaštenih laboratorija te daleko nadilaze standarde 42 i 53. Naši su sistemi primjerice ispitani na uklanjanje stotina onečišćenja uključujući teške metale, pesticide, herbicide, farmakološka sredstva, patogene bakterije i viruse. Ovi su testovi objavljeni i dostupni svim našim korisnicima na našoj stranici kao i u našim tiskanim materijalima. Uz to, postoje i drugi vrlo zapaženi i publicirani usporedni testovi naših pročišćivača s drugim tzv. sličnim sustavima za filtraciju vode koji su jasno potvrdili neovisna testiranja koja smo mi provodili.
The cost for NSF certification is also very expensive. Each configuration of each system would have to be certified. If you include the sport bottle and all purification systems offered, that’s 16 separate certifications (times 2 standards). At an estimated cost of $10,000 per system configuration, that’s around $320,000, plus yearly maintenance fees. As you can see, it’s difficult to justify the cost required, just to obtain certifications that the elements already exceed.
Product Description
*The Black Berkey® Elements are made and assembled in the USA
- SKU: BB9-2
- Black Berkey® Elements are the leader in gravity-fed water Filtration, backed by independent testing
- Black Berkey® Elements dramatically reduce trihalomethanes, inorganic minerals, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, VOCs, petroleum products, perfluorinated chemicals, rust, silt, sediment, radiologicals, and more.
- Black Berkey® Elements have been tested by accredited third-party labs that have reported that the elements meet ANSI/NSF (Std. 53) protocol, and address over 200+ typical contaminants found in drinking water sources.
- Includes: Two 9" Black Berkey® Elements with 2 washers, 2 wing nuts, and 1 priming button
- Installs in the upper chamber of any Berkey system. Elements can also be used to upgrade most other gravity-fed water filter systems
- Sold as a set of 2 elements
- We recommend replacing Black Berkey® Elements every 3,000 gallons (6,000 per set of 2 elements). Elements may require replacement sooner based upon the quality of influent water.
- Re-cleanable during the life of the element
- Elements come with a 2-year, pro-rated warranty